The members of the Monroe City School Board shall have authority only when acting as a School Board legally in session.  The School Board shall not be bound in any way by any actions or statement on the part of any individual School Board member except when such statement or action is specifically authorized by the School Board.


No School Board member, by virtue of his/her office, shall exercise any administrative responsibility with respect to the schools or as an individual command the services of any school employee.


The duties and obligations of an individual School Board member may be enumerated as follows:


  1. To familiarize himself/herself with school law, regulations of the Louisiana Department of Education, School Board policies and administrative regulations and procedures;

  2. To carry out the duties of School Board member, as prescribed by law, regulation and policy;

  3. To work collectively with other School Board members in governing the School District and in developing the strategic plan, educational philosophy, aims and objectives of the school system, consistent with federal and state law, and educational regulations;

  4. To work harmoniously with other School Board members and promote civility;

  5. To vote and act to further the best interests of the School District;

  6. To respect the will of the majority vote in all cases support to the resulting policy when such is not contrary to law and does not legally endanger the School District;

  7. To represent the School Board and promote the school system to the public in such a way that is honest and transparent;

  8. To refer complaints to the proper school authorities and to refrain from providing prohibited individual counsel and engaging in prohibited actions;

  9. To uphold the law and to hold others accountable when they do not; and,

  10. To at all times adhere to the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics and such other laws regulating School Board member conduct.


The School Board realizes the importance of a functional orientation program for new School Board members.  Under the guidance and directions of experienced School Board members and the Superintendent, orientation shall be provided to new School Board members prior to the date that they take office so that incoming new members are fully informed about the School Board's functions, policies, regulations, procedures and problems.  Such activities may include:


  1. Prior to taking office, they shall be invited to attend all meetings and receive reports and communications sent to School Board members.

  2. Prior to taking office, they shall be provided with a copy of the official School Board Policy Manual;

  3. Prior to taking office, they shall be provided with current copies of school budgets and financial statements;

  4. Prior to taking office, they shall be provided with information on school enrollment, professional qualifications of teachers, building instructional programs, etc.;

  5. The School District shall help acquaint the new School Board member with duties and responsibilities of School Board members.


Additionally, the School Board suggests that once they take office, new School Board members attend state and regional School Board Association workshops.


Revised:  December, 2012

Revised:  April 21, 2020



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:54, 17:81

Board minutes, 4-21-20


Monroe City School Board